Friday, July 3, 2009

Teaching Job

Okay, so I'm still sorting through some pictures of my hiking adventure, sorry...
But I got some great questions from my good friend Alex Pepperoni about what my teaching job is like, hours, students, etc.

Korean Students go to public school starting at like 7:30, and then they go to private schools like mine (called hagwons) for extra tutoring in English, Chinese, math, science, etc. Some are at our school till about 11 at night. They are freaking nuts! (meaning their parents are). I feel bad for the kids, but it's only my job to teach them. I think they'll probably all be ridiculously brilliant in the near future, but also hate the rest of mankind. So I think we're pretty much breeding evil geniuses that will take over the world.

I get to work around 3pm, start teaching at 4 or 5, and stay until 10 or 11. 2 days a week I have 4 classes of about an hour each, 2 days I have 3 classes, and Fridays just two classes. The rest of my time is spent planning for class, eating, surfing the web and youtube, planning my weekend, or doing this (like I am right now).

I try to wake up at like 8 or 9 and run. It is really beautiful around my apartment. Even though I live near downtown Ansan in a really tall building, if I take a 15-minute walk I get to a forested mountain (or very large hill, i dunno, seems like 100 meters high). There is a track that goes all the way around and it's really nice to run on. There are lots of people also jogging or walking around it. AND there is a covered outdoor gym, with weights and all kinds of stuff that is free to use. People actually use that, too. Seems like everyone exercises. Oh, I'll have to tell you about the old guys we saw climbing the mountain. I haven't got to use that gym yet, but I think I will soon.

Peace out.

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